Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Today families are coming together to sit down and eat a meal together and give thanks for the many things in their lives.

This year this Thanksgiving has me a bit more grateful, someone close to me is currently in an MICU since Saturday and I will be spending sometime in the hospital with her today. She is currently on a ventilator and not breathing on her own. Watching her fight each day to just be able to live again is admirable yet life changing. It shows you the importance of today, and the relevance of one day where everyone sits down and says what they are grateful for and give thanks to God for it.

 Today I want to give thanks for friends  as well as family. Everything in life is a lesson and the lesson I take from this current experience is never to take anything for granted. To enjoy life to the fullest with no regrets. Choosing to look back and not forward would not do anything but keep you in reverse and I am  pushing that gas down to get to the next level.

Today, you may be at the table with a huge family, full of cousins, aunts and uncles or the opposite you may have no one to sit with on this day. The one piece of advice I can give on this day is just be thankful for life, it may not be everything you dreamed of but there is someone out there that wishes they can switch places for it

Friday, October 14, 2011

Standing Up for What is right...

Standing Up for What is Right:

It can be hard but it definitely is worth it. I know for me the process can be difficult and painful yet rewarding as well.

Recently there was an incident at my  job, no one else wanted to speak up yet everyone else had a voice. It was mind boggling how much people just would sit around complaining all the time yet never strive to make a difference.

For me, my busy schedule and lifestyle did not call me to make a difference but I felt it was necessary for me due to the corner I was being pushed in.

The first view weeks were really hard but  now I can say that I see the pay off of it and its wonderful!!

SOO people if there is a problem speak up!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Where are our Priorities?

Human Services vs Corporate America…

As a program coordinator,  I am learning that you can not really attach a dollar amount in  terms of what I do. It is emotionally draining as well as rewarding too! Each day when I go into work, I know that I am making a difference in the life of someone else. The ladies fully appreciate me and every time I walk into work I feel valued and appreciated each time. Unfortunately, I do not get the same feeling when I look at my pay check. It is unfortunate that working with people and having an effect on their everyday life brings so little compensation but requires so much energy.

I recently am finding myself discouraged from the field because it the compensation is so low but also not respected from the state.  The state has not increased the budget for non profit direct care employees in years,  right now at my overnight the company is advocating for us to ask for more in the form of a salary reserve.  My sister is an accountant and I remember one time she shared that she got like a $4000 bonus… and all I could think to myself is, you work with numbers and I work with people and never have seen a bonus. I have a close friend of mine who actually makes more than me working at a front desk,  while I am responsible for a program 24/7 and 5 individuals,  she copies papers and answers phone and gets to go home at 5pm.  Does this make sense?

My hope for the future is the direct care employees and management in these fields to get more.

Friday, September 16, 2011

My First Blog!!! Yay!

Hello All!!

I have decided to start a blog centered around me!!!  This blog was inspired by a english class that requires us to start a blog. When asked what I was going to blog about, I made a decision to blog about me!!  I know what your thinking… "She a bit conceited" but I am far from it. I actually just feel like as people we all have one thing something in common… We are humans. We are not just black, white, hispanic, fat, pretty, rich or poor we are people. I hope that by me opening and sharing my different life experiences will allow you all to see a little of you and show the common thread among one another.

Anyhow, my professor will have specific topics for us to write on and so each week, I will be back with a new topic and a new story.

I am going to  end my blog with a quick synopsis about me, I am 24 years old. I have a four year son that keeps me busy!!  I currently am working two jobs, one as Program Coordinator for a group home in Randolph working with girls that suffer from mental illnesses and are developmentally delayed. I love this field because I can connect personally with due to my mother suffering from Bi-Polar.  It was hard as a child growing up but it definitely made me stronger. It also inspires me to let others know that you can live with this illness and be productive!! My mom is currently working and has been for the last 15 years at the same job. She was able to eventually purchase a home (which she lost during the housing crisis), buy a car, but most importantly raise her children!! She has not had a episode in over 8 years!! She has been doing well and is very happy!

I am excited to start this blog and allow you to take a peek into my fun little world!